Sunday, July 17, 2011

Am i being a bee-eye-tee-see-H to my friends?

No! She is tired so she doesn't want to come to you. So it is completely understandable that if you are tired you would not want to go to her. Youre friends need to be more understanding of your situation, even though you chose to live uptown. Your friends chose to live downtown. You are both entitled to live in the location of your choice. If they want to stay friends, they need to make sacrafices too. You are not a one way street. You should talk to them about this situation. If they are good friends, they will understand and be accomodating. But you should also be prepared to possibly lose a few friends. But just remember, if you lose friends over something like this, youre better off without them because you need friends that will be with you through anything, even an annoying commute.

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