Saturday, July 16, 2011

Treating motion sickness on a long trip...Help me please.?

I have to take a 2-3 hour long bus ride, and I might get motion sick. You see, if I sit in the passenger seat, or have an extremely good view of the front window (out it) then I'm fine, bug I'm honestly not sure if the bus I'm taking has a view out the front. So, if it does not, then I'm pretty much screwed. I have Gravol easy swallow pills and sone of those sea sick helper bands (with the ball on the wrist). So, for worst case scenario, please give me some tips fir this ride! (Btw I appreciate this in advance, and I must ask that you don't answer something like "motion sickness is inevitable" or "just bring a barf bag", because I understand that...I just want sone good tips. Thanks! Also I can't get out and walk around or make stops or whatever. And my severity level isn't that bad, I will probably be getting pretty sick if in the back seat for a while, my record is about 1 and a half hours before I had to pull over. But, for the record, I've never thrown up from motion sickness, but I've come pretty close to before. Again, thanks, and sorry for all my blabbering and stuff.)

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